speaking of NaN() and other entertainment... i fought this battle with awk a few months ago. at ahron's suggestion, i ported a current copy (as of november or so) of awk to plan 9. i just put the port up on sources for hopeful submission. i've been running this version of awk for 4 months with no problems found.
however, i found that the following script does very bad things to the current distribution's awk. in fact, it was able to do bad things to sun's various awkery and gnu awk as well. it exposes numbers that are incorrectly converted but cause a delayed fpe. on unix, the fpe is supressed due to the setting of the fcr. ; cat /tmp/testawk BEGIN{ s = "01234567890"; printf "%x\n", 4215866817. g = 1. # delayed fpe printf "%08x", 4215866817. print substr(s, 4215866817., 1) s = substr(s, 1, 4215866817.) g= 1. # delayed fpe printf utf(4215866817.); g= 1. # delayed fpe } if i run this from sources, you'll see that the delayed fpe causes a bad value to float (ha) around for a bit (as an integer): ; /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk -f /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/testawk 80000000 /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk: floating point exception 6 /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk: floating point exception 6 /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk: floating point exception 6 /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk: floating point exception 6 /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk: floating point exception 6 /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/awk: floating point exception 6<DEL> bwk's current code with a minor change to be really defensive when converting to integer (contrib quanstro/awk) avoids this problem (the Runeerror was convereted to u+fffd to avoid mailer glitches): ; /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/root/386/bin/awk -f /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/testawk fb4905c1 fb4905c1 awk: utf argument out-of-range 4.21587e+09 source line 9 u+fffd; - erik