On Thu Feb 4 08:45:16 EST 2010, rudolf.syk...@gmail.com wrote: > Noticed one more thing. > I now see accented characters almost fine. > The problem is with capital letters having accents over them. These > are shifted downwards and have their lowest parts cut away. E.g ČTK > (CTK with a hook over C; hope you see it) is shown so that the Č is > shifted downwards, its top is adjusted to the same vertical position > with the T and the bottom of the Č is not visible... > Can this be somehow easily helped?
unfortunately, there is no provision for proportional interline spacing. i use cyberbit as my day-to-day font, and it has the problem you mention. if i look at the font image with page (/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/cyberbit.14.0101), the image looks correct, so the problem lies with the font height (technically the extra decent), which unfortunately looks right for lines without tall characters with an accent. this is a great summer-of-code project, since it requires deep changes, but not mysterious or complicated changes. there is currently no per- character height information in font(6) subfonts. one would also need to add a stringheight(2) and work that into the various libraries and programs, like acme aux/statusbar, faces, gping, mc, p9bitpost, rio, samterm, plot, stats, trace, drawterm, abaco games/jukebox games/9clock libcontrol libdraw libframe - erik