Oh, and by the way, we need more people. Send resumes please. Any of you google guys board with a huge company yet? :)

Congratulations!  I'm somewhat interested in what you guys are doing,
but also on the opposite side of the country and unable to relocate.
Do you guys ever farm out work or hire off-site?

I've also been busy working on my own thing.... using 9p to
allow sharing of resources between some of the commodity operating
systems.  For proof-of-concept I've done audio sharing between
windows, android and linux. It's all prototype stuff at the
moment but I'm working on putting some polish on it. I'm more
of a technical person than a business person and have been trying
to learn more about next steps.  If you have any great advice for
tech people working on a software startup, I'd love to hear some.

Tim Newsham | www.thenewsh.com/~newsham | thenewsh.blogspot.com

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