hget does cookies, but it needs webcookies (hget, not abaco) you can also use webfsget, which should just work
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 12:37 AM, Akshat Kumar <aku...@mail.nanosouffle.net> wrote: > In trying to access some papers in PDF, > locked up by secure login and what not > over the web two point oh-no, I was stuck > at the actual "access the paper" part. > > After login, there is a link to a page that > forwards to the URL of the PDF. In order > to access, you need some cookies that > show you've logged in, etc.. So when I > open the link which forwards to the paper, > abaco tries to open the PDF link and gives > mime-type unsupported, of course. > > Now, if I try to highlight and right-click that > link to open it in page(1), it doesn't appear, > because you can't just go directly to the link. > Sadly hget(1) doesn't do cookies so I can't > use the session to grab the paper without > abaco. > > So, the only thing that I think could work > would be to have abaco plumb *.pdf as soon > as it gets the URL, instead of trying to show > it and ending up with mime-type unsupported. > > > Best, > ak > > -- Federico G. Benavento