>From the inspections of Cinap and I, albeit a while back,
Erik's FS does not take NVR from floppy. That's why Erik
suggested that you create a small 9fat partition (using
the Plan 9 Install/Boot CD) on your primary master HDD
and put the NVR on that. I suppose you should also be
able to put the rest of your files in that partition and just
boot directly from that.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Wolfgang Kunz <w...@hush.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> because I don't have a free hard drive I try to but the file server
> from floppy with the nvram file on this floppy.
> This is my plan9.ini
> distname=plan9
> bootfile=fd0!dos!9askafs
> nvr=fd!0!plan9.nvr
> The boot works until:
> spurious interrupt 7, lastintr0
> config diag: unknown type --<d>
> spurious interrupt 7, lastintr0
> panic: bad bootdev:fd
> I changed the mkfile for this kernel to include fd support.
> Perhaps nvr on a floppy doesn't works?
> Regards,
> Wolfgang

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