On Jan 8, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Tim Newsham <tim.news...@gmail.com> wrote:

Any reason why they prefer to rewrite large portions of
code to use gcc rather than making use of different toolchains
for the L4 kernel and the plan9 subsystems? It seems like the
latter would be a lot less effort and result in a system that was
easier to track the original sources going forward.
But GCC is part of the holy trinity...
People are funny like that.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:14 PM, YAMANASHI Takeshi <9.na...@gmail.com> wrote:
As I heard, the largest work in porting Plan 9 to L4 enviroment
is rewriting Plan 9's C code base  to be compiled on gcc
as L4 uses the compiler for its development.

The developers of LP49 themselves could chime in, but here is the link
to the project.
You might be surprised how much of Plan 9 has been rewritten in LP49.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:48 PM, David Leimbach <leim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recently found a paper (again) documenting some work going on here.
> I've lately sort of had a resurrected interest in OKL4, and I'm always > interested in Plan 9 stuff, so I was wondering what's happened here or if
> there's any code to show for it.
> It seems like an effort that would take more than one person, but I'm > spending some of my spare time investigating L4 a little more in depth than > I had previously, and trying to understand what it would take to port Plan 9
> to this platform.
> I'm not announcing this as a project at this point, as I don't know what the
> heck kind of time I'm going to have.
> Dave


Tim Newsham | www.thenewsh.com/~newsham | thenewsh.blogspot.com

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