> Just curious: can an 9P server cleanly differenciate between clients ? > This would be a great help for transaction isolation, IMHO. > > w/o having looked at cookiefs yet, but I would do it like that: > > * get cookies by reading /site-cookies/<site> > * set cookies by writing "<site>: foo=bar" to /set pipe > (which can stay open for as long as you want) > > This should minimize the amount of messages/roundtrips required in > normal operation and make the client-side really trivial. An non- > blocking write to the "set" file should also reduce latency > (especially when having remote profiles)
i think you misunderstand the problem. cookiefs' fs interface is not the issue. cookiefs' robustness when storing the cookies on the fileserver in the face of multiple concurrently running cookiefs' is. - erik