> I'm not sure why the auth commands hang in a vanilla drawterm (no rio).

The problem is not drawterm, it is by design. keyfs (and I assume secstored)
create a virtual filesystem that the command line apps use to communicate with
the running daemon.

Due to plan9's per process namespace and because your drawterm session is not
decended from the console's shell (where /mnt/keys was created) you cannot see
the control file and so you cannot perform key administration.

There are some neat tricks you can do if you have a remote server - the 
way is to run a console server program on another machine and wire up the EIA 
so you can use the serial console.

Erik has an ethernet (not tcpip, raw ethernet) console kernel driver and 
command line
tool which is easier these days (EIA interfaces are a dieing breed). You can 
even use
these tools over a loopback interface, from the machine back to itself.

another possibility is to serve the consoles view of /mnt and post it as a file
descriptor in /srv with read/write for only bootes - people have posted such 
on 9fans in the past.

> I get the impression that setting the console to raw doesn't work with 
> drawterm.

I would be very surprised if this is the case, I don't use drawterm much but 
last time
I tried it raw/cooked worked fine.

> All sorted now anyway



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