Hi All: I am still trying to get the informal wiki running on my vx32 system at home but i am seeing the following behavior.
I am able to edit existing pages with both the Acme Wiki client and the httpd wikipost magic client. I am not able to create new pages. Once i attempt to create a new page with either the wiki client or the web client a directory appears in /mnt/wiki but the corresponding files are not created. All that happens is a file is created in /mnt/wiki because an entry is created in /sys/lib/wiki/d/map. wikifs is not able to create the lockfiles or the L.* files needed to create the new files for the wiki. I looked at the source code of wikipost and saw which logfile to create for log output so here is /sys/log/wiki vx32 Jan 2 12:50:47 post s service t 'test+again+6' v 0 a c b %2Fwiki%2Fsample t 0x37187 vx32 Jan 2 12:50:47 post s service t 'test again 6' v 0 a c vx32 Jan 2 12:50:47 commit failed -1: couldn't acquire lock d/L.9: '/sys/lib/wiki/d/L.9' bad arg in system call Wikifs should be able to write to this directory as it is world writable as the man page requests. term% ls -ld /sys/lib/wiki/d d-rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 4096 Dec 12 2002 /sys/lib/wiki/d As you can see from this listing wikifs has not been able to create new files but it has been able to make changes to existing files. term% cd /sys/lib/wiki/d term% ls -l --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 1160 Apr 11 2002 0 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 1160 Apr 11 2002 0.hist --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 3319 Jan 2 12:36 1 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 22766 Jan 2 12:36 1.hist --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 134 Dec 30 21:24 2 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 334 Dec 30 21:24 2.hist --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 4826 Apr 11 2002 3 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 11289 Jan 1 21:14 3.hist --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 0 Dec 31 22:41 L.0 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 0 Jan 2 12:45 L.1 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 0 Jan 2 12:45 L.2 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 0 Jan 1 21:14 L.3 --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 0 Jan 2 12:50 L.map --rwxrwxrwx M 2 marina marina 157 Jan 2 12:50 map term% The map looks like this: term% cat map 0 wiki syntax 1 plan 9 wiki 2 sandbox 3 supported pc hardware 4 pretty please 5 test page 1 6 this is a test 7 another test page 8 test again 9 test again 6 If i mount the service in a namespace i, not the httpd can see i get the following behavior. term% mount /srv/wiki.service foo term% cd foo term% lc another_test_page pretty_please test_again_6 map sandbox test_page_1 new supported_pc_hardware this_is_a_test plan_9_wiki test_again wiki_syntax term% The listings in the map are visible. term% cd sandbox term% ls .httplogin 1018330739 1262226056 1262226284 current diff.html edit.html history.html history.txt index.html index.txt werror.html werror.txt term% If i try to list one of the pages that exists only in the map i get this term% ls test_page_1 ls: test_page_1: 'test_page_1' file does not exist ---- Marina