The last archival snapshot on my atom terminal results in a lot of "archWalk"
error messages (i missed to save them, before rebooting).
After the next archival snapshot ,which runs ok, fossilcons(8) df still show
~280MB stored on fossil. fossilcons 'check fix' command do not help.
To get a clue what to do i ran fossil/flchk which outputs something like that:

checking epoch 33...
check: visited 1/6228173 blocks (0%)
checking epoch 32...
# bclose 0x269 33
# bclose 0x26a 33
# bclose 0x17 33
# bclose 0x18 33
# bclose 0x26c 0
# bclose 0x26d 0
fsys blocks: total=6228173 used=167(0.0%) free=6227918(100.0%) lost=88(0.0%)

I'am confused, i know flchk is deprecated, bclose isn't a fossilcons(8) command.
Is there meant 'bfree addr' ?

--- Roc

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