On Monday 14 December 2009 16:32:45 m g wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 3:30 AM, Patrick Kelly 
<kameo76...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Monday 14 December 2009 09:49:31 chutsu wrote:
> >> So.. been looking at plan 9, am confused what plan 9 is
> >
> > used for? I
> >        I use Plan 9 as a web server, compute and compile server,
> > and a file server for source code. It's far easier to manage than
> > Unix or Windows, I've had BSD systems fail me far more often
> > than Plan 9 has; the few cases Plan 9 has failed, it was
> > painless to fix.
> Just curious, what failed exactly?  Was it the same thing between the
> BSD systems and Plan 9?
        I was just speaking in general; X-server crashes, (solvable) kernel 
panics, mouse driver (wtf...), etc. Not talking critical or disastrous 
failures here, just that it messed up.

        The failings in Plan 9 have usually been the result of drivers (go 
figure) and have been much smaller than issues encountered with Unix. 
Usually its  just small differences between the generic chip-set Plan 9's 
driver was written for and the chip-set being used.

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