> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 08:51:21PM -0500, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > 1.  for some reason the hw.gif (interstates) are
> > in cyan not red.  drawing the radar first and the
> > hw second yields inverse radar colors.
> In what order are you layering the images? According to [1] they are layered
> left to right as on the toggle bar.
> [1]http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/doppler/ridge_download.htm

i think that's beside the point here.  the colors get inverted regardless
of the order of composition.  try compose -t topo.jpg radar.gif hw.gif.
(this is the same order as on the site).  in this case the radar image has
the wrong colors.

it looks like an α² problem, but i don't think it is.  if you use an r8g8b8
base image, the color effects still happen.  m8a8 yields black.  i didn't
know that was legal, yet:
; gif -9 radar.gif|dd -count 1 -bs 50>[2=]; echo
       m8a8           0           0         600   ; 

it's especially odd to try these two:
        ; compose -c m8 -t topo.jpg radar.gif hw.gif
        ; compose -c m8 -t topo.jpg hw.gif radar.gif 

- erik

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