As far as I can tell, yes, that's all it took.

The old code had been turning off the old 8259 interrupt controllers
used by uniprocessors but didn't disable the lapic on mp systems.
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 7:05 PM,  <> wrote:
> I've just pushed out a small change to /sys/src/9/pc/realmode.c that
> allows monitor=vesa to work on multiprocessor pcs without *nomp being
> defined in plan9.ini (i.e., you can use all available processors [or
> cores] and still use vesa mode).  I've also pushed out new kernels, so
> the distribution built tonight should include this fix.

Cool, thanks!

If I read this right, you turn off interrupts on just the CPU
executing in realmode. Is the really all that had to be done for vesa
to support MP systems?

-- vs

--- End Message ---

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