Hello 9Fans readers.

First, please try my "Secure Click".

Secure Click is a new secure application
executing environment.
Secure Click can run *any* distribution *safely* under jail.

Anyway, try it out first.

The core of Secure Click consists of two parts:
1. Jail.    OpenVZ and LXC is supported for now.
2. Per Application Name Space.

Secure Click runs apps by "One App in One Jail" basis.
So, each app is isolated from both other apps and host OS.

And, each jail has own file tree, synthesized by "tagfs".
"tagfs" synthesizes file tree which is very same for
each distribution.
I mean, for example, when you run debian app in jail,
tagfs creates debian file tree, which is very same for
real debian. If you run Fedora app, tagfs creates
Fedora tree.
So, you can run any distribution under jail.

In the other aspect of view, each app has each name space
which is derived from each distribution.
I think this is a kind of "Per *Application* Name Space".
And this is similar to Plan9 "Per User" name space concept,
so this is the reason I want to hear opinions from Plan9
experts like you.

Any impression is very welcome.

By the way, anybody knows where to discuss
*general* technological aspect of linux distribution?
There are many MLs for each distribution,
but no general one.

   --- Okajima, Jun. Tokyo, Japan.

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