On Mon Nov 30 02:54:45 EST 2009, jason.cat...@gmail.com wrote:
> Agreed.  Part of grep's job is to be a regex engine, so I thought in
> general it would be okay to push it here.
> > i played with this a little bit, but quickly ran into problems.
> > "reasonable" re size limits of say 300 characters
> > just don't work if you're doing expansion.  expanding "cooperate"
> > results in a 460-byte string!
> Where does this 300-character limit come from?  If you code them by


i used unfold (/n/sources/contrib/quanstro/runetype/unfold.c.
        ; unfold cooperate | wc -rc
          199     454
it turns out that doing regular expressions is difficult, since
it's not clear to me what [a-z] should match when unfolded.

on the other hand, a folding-based approach makes the meaning
of [a-z] clear.  it's a good argument for folding.
         echo 'rhymes with grëep' |../grep/8.out -I 'gr[a-z]ep'
        rhymes with grëep

- erik

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