I care. I wanted the same thing. Can you send it to me? I have some friends at 
Apple that might be able to help.


At 11:58 PM -0800 11/25/09, Paul Lalonde wrote:
>I wound up with one of these today, and I just had to mess with it enough to 
>get chording working through the multi-touch interfaces.  I have no idea how 
>it behaves  on a trackpad, but the top 20% of my magic mouse is now 3 separate 
>buttons with reasonable tapping and chording behaviour.  I can tar up my new 
>devdraw for anyone who cares.
>I had to make a small change to the build system required to make this work as 
>well.  I had to add a -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks to the 9l script - 
>where's the right place to do this for a single project?


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