The documents in /sys/doc does not contain many EPS
pictures, but you can look at /sys/doc/8½/8½.ms Here
is an example of what I used in my submission to
IWP9'09 (I am using the ms macros):

.BP figures/lyxlinux.eps 4.0
Figure 1: Screenshot of LyX running under Linux.

.KF and .KE means that the picture "floats" in the document.
.sp is vertical space
.BP is inclusion of the eps file, 4 inches in height.
.DS C Means that the caption (picture description) is centred.
(did not make any automatic counting of figures here)
.DE is end of the caption

And I used the following command (in a mkfile) to generate:

tbl | troff -ms -mpictures | dpost -f >

As you see, you have to tell that you are using picture
inclusion macros. Everything under plan 9, using groff
might differ...


Rudolf Sykora wrote:

is there any good place where I could read how to embed some pictures into a
troff document?
Preferably a way that works in plan9, too...
I can't find much about it anywhere.
What do you use?

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