I am not sure where this came from:
% whatis cd
fn cd {if(builtin cd $1){if(flag i)$PLAN9^/bin/9 awd || status='';status=''}}
but I don't think awd(1) has something to do with the problem.
I think is something else, and maybe I was wrong and doesn't even has
anything to do with acme. I have no clue on what's going on:
1.- Start with acme showing all files in a directory (~3000). They all
happen to be png images. They are all correctly shown in acme's
2.- Write
for(i in *){ name=`{echo $i | 9 sed 's/png/jpg/'}; convert $i $name}
somewhere in your tag and then execute it using your mouse button 2.
(That's imagemagick's convert utility)
3.- Write
rm *.png
and execute it using your mouse button 2.
4.- Execute a Get in your window. Now all files are gone (according to acme).
5.- Write 9 ls in your tag and execute it. You get all your jpg files.
6.- I am puzzled.

2009/11/16, Mathieu Lonjaret <mathieu.lonja...@gmail.com>:
> See awd(1)
> ---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
> From: hugo rivera <uai...@gmail.com>
> To: Fans of the OS Plan 9 from Bell Labs <9fans@9fans.net>
> Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 15:03:57 +0100
> Subject: [9fans] acme bug?
> % cd /sw/somedir
>  % 9 ls | 9 wc -l
>  2712
>  % pwd
>  /sw/somedir
>  right click on /sw/somedir, and acme's window is empty. What's going on?
>  --
>  Hugo


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