Christopher Nielsen wrote:
I think this is an interesting approach.

There are several interesting ideas being pursued here. The focus of
the discussion has been on the multikernel approach, which I think has

Something that has not been discussed here is the wide use of DSLs for
systems programming, and using haskell to write a framework for
rapidly developing and proving correctness of DSLs. This is just as
significant as the multikernel ideas.

I downloaded the source, built the system, and will be playing with it.


Their 'plan' for security needs a recce as well.

Message-passing-based 'creatures' - kernel-level or otherwise - have their own challenges in this regard (Windows, to name one bad example). Likewise, though I've only just started looking at it, if 'Haiku' even *has* a security model, I am (still, yet) blissfuly unaware of it...

Bill Hacker

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:09, Tim Newsham <> wrote:
Rethinking multi-core systems as distributed heterogeneous
systems.  Thoughts?

Tim Newsham

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