roger peppe wrote:
i'm arriving Atlanta 19:10 on the 20th, leaving 21:45 on the 25th
in case anyone has similar times and wishes to share.
i'd be up for driving, assuming my UK driving license is sufficient.
License should be no problem with any of the major rental agencies.
Rules of the road are similar to (most) Continental practice, so you are
probably already accustomed to that.
2009/10/6 Iruata Souza <>:
On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 12:19 PM, erik quanstrom <> wrote:
if anyone want to rent a car, let me know so maybe a few people can
share the expenses.
i should have mentioned that driving is generally very easy
as long as you can use the carpool lane. (but then again, i didn't
mind driving in greece.) you only need two
people for this. if you use i-85 (interstate 85 north) you can
get in the carpool lane and stay there until you're all the way
out of atlanta. at the end of the carpool lane (when you
see the big fry's electronics), head down 316. just go straight
until you hit "loop 10". cross loop 10 and proceede downtown.
i do not drive, so that's why i asked :]