On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 14:45:18 -0400
erik quanstrom <quans...@coraid.com> wrote:

> > USB eth works well for me.  I use it between my desktop & PDA, both
> > Linux machines, and have successfully (if a little slowly) dumped the
> > PDA's 6GB micro-hard-drive over the connection.  I think I measured
> > the speed at 4Gb/s once, but that could have been limited by the PDA's
> > drive.
> over a 480mbit connection?  that's a trick.
> - erik

Yeah indeed, LOL.  All I can do on that one is apologise and curse my
memory, I'm sorry.  It's possible I calculated the transfer was
'about' or 'a bit over' 400Mbit/s.  It's not a slow link for the
occasional transfer of a big file or two, nor for VNC or Drawterm at

Ethan Grammatikidis

Those who are slower at parsing information must
necessarily be faster at problem-solving.

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