On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 07:45:17 -0700
David Leimbach <leim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think it's officially a port of Plan 9's kernel to the vx32 stuff, so it's
> not precisely the same as running a Plan 9 box natively, or in another
> emulator, but it is indeed quite a feat, and "close enough" that most people
> won't notice.
> Personally, I'd love to be able to completely replace drawterm with 9vx, but
> for some reason I still have a little trouble with that setup (in fact I've
> not finished setting up my CPUFSAUTH server yet, so really I'm the reason
> for that).

Running 9vx instances as Plan 9 terminals fits better with the Plan 9
way than running Drawterm, aye.  :) I'd like to but I use Rio's hold
feature for making quick notes all the time, notes which I need to
have around for a few days.  I don't think I'll be using 9vx for
terminal work until at least 6 months after I hear the last word about
it crashing.

Now 9vx for CPU work; that's another matter.  That could very well
work better for me than my present QEmu-based CPU server, perhaps with
a QEmu-based file server.  OTOH I'd still need a QEmu-based terminal
server sort of wierd thing to use with drawterm, which leaves me
pondering the port assignments if not the overall logic of the
setup....  Hmm!  :)

Anyway, I think 9vx is a great thing too, despite the occasional
crash.  As someone posted a week or two ago it even works well for
testing many kernel changes, having minimal boot-up time.  As to
changing the Plan 9 homepage, that may be a difficult matter.  The
wiki seems largely kept up to date, but the homepage and recommended
reading not so much.

> Another interesting project would be an Inferno based drawterm :-)... but
> I'd be lying if I said I had any time for that kind of fun.

Ethan Grammatikidis

Those who are slower at parsing information must
necessarily be faster at problem-solving.

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