
i think i'll do the checkexit() and doublecheck again all exiting procs unlocks 
all the locks they had, as the only place to check is when a proc is waiting to 
read from the 9p pipe:

                n = read9pmsg(mfd[0], io->mdata, messagesize);



>> I have a couple of processes working together sharing memory and using 
>> locks, and when the program finish the job and exits, the proceses in Rendez 
>> state  does not exit, and i need to slay them.
>> I'm using postnote(PNGROUP,...) call, should i write a postctl to slay the 
>> waiting proceses or is there a better way to accomplish this? (may be using 
>> canlock and wait for it with a loop and sleep instead of a qlock?)
> looping on canq?lock is not a good idea.
> i think what you want is to ensure that no proc is
> doing anything that shouldn't be interrupted when
> it is killed or quits.  for many programs, interrupting
> writes is a bad idea.  one would want a half-written
> upas index file, for instance.  rc checks a global sentinal at
> a few strategic points (where it can clean up easily)
> when it receives a signal.  perhaps you could borrow
> this technique, as in
>       /*
>        * exit the building single file
>        */
>       void
>       chkexit(QLock *q)
>       {
>               if(!exiting)
>                       return;
>               qunlock(q)
>               cleanexit();
>       }
> ...
>       qlock(&resourcelk);
>       chkexit(&resourcelk);
>       ...
>       qunlock(&resourcelk);
> this might not be appropriate.  the bad things
> that might happen if your interrupted in the
> middle of something might not be bad enough
> to worry about or this might be difficult to implement
> with your program.
> - erik

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