
This little program:

#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#define SEGBASE ((char *) 0x10001001)
#define SEGSIZE 0x1000

void main(void) {
   segattach(0, "shared", SEGBASE, SEGSIZE);
   // Works fine (writing to 0x10001fff)
   *(char *) (SEGBASE + SEGSIZE - 2) = 'a';
   // Suicide! (writing to 0x10002000)
   *(char *) (SEGBASE + SEGSIZE - 1) = 'a';

However, segattach's manpage claims: "... and va+len is rounded up."
Shouldn't the second page here be mapped?

I propose this patch to /sys/src/9/port/segment.c::
--- segment.c.orig      2009-09-24 22:41:59.000000000 -0400
+++ segment.c   2009-09-24 22:38:25.000000000 -0400
@@ -641,6 +641,11 @@
        int sno;
        Segment *s, *os;
        Physseg *ps;
+       ulong ova;
+       ova = va;
+       va = va&~(BY2PG-1);
+       len += (ova - va);

        if(va != 0 && va >= USTKTOP)

This patch also prevents segattaching to the zero page, which I think
was worth doing...

Could people try this? Comments?

-- vs

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