On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:08 AM, Charles Forsyth<fors...@terzarima.net> wrote:
> you might consider using a sed script to change the CT_.* style #defines,
> and run the sed script from the mkfile/makefile, so although the
> porting is (in your sense) `destructive' it's done by changing the
> original source file automatically. you could sed (say) from a .h.orig to a .h
> using a single rule.

I am trying to port nhc98 the bytecode haskell compiler.
I am hoping to avoid changing those definition because I think those
are generated by the
haskell compiler and then fed to the C compiler. So there are a whole
bunch of them.

If I change those and assuming everything works. Every time I use the
haskell compiler it will
generate the same style of codes and the same set of compile issue in
C compiler phase.

so I guess some sort of wrapper script for the pcc is easiest option.



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