Concrete Abstractions
An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme

Chapter 11: Computers with Memory
We first address the questions of what a computer is and how it comes
to compute by presenting a simplified RISC architecture and showing
how to program in its assembly language. We call attention to memory
as a numbered collection of storage locations, and use this as
motivation for introducing Scheme's vectors (one-dimensional arrays)
as a way to access storage from within the high-level language. In the
application section, we use vectors to program a simulator for our
RISC architecture in Scheme.

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 4:45 PM, erik quanstrom<> wrote:
>> True, I feel to be pushed to these. On the other hand I really like
>> rc. Compared to bash/sh/ksh/zsh... I like its simplicity as well as
>> that it is the only shell in plan9. I use it in linux too (although I
>> miss some abilities it really should have, like ability to break from
>> a loop).
> i've added it as an experiment:
> /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/src/futharc
> - erik

Vinu Rajashekhar,
5th Year Dual Degree Student,
Deptt of Computer Science & Engg,
IIT Kharagpur,

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