> > After running fdisk on sdC1 I see the following error message when I > > am returned to the installer menu: > > > > Preparing menu...test: unexpected operator/operand: /dev/sdC1/plan9 > > never seen that. i don't see what the problem is > by simple inspection. but i have confused the > installer on occasion.
Further to my other debugging info, I suspect that /bin/test is perhaps broken. I found a reference to this and wonder if maybe an old bug has resurfaced: http://archive.netbsd.se/?ml=Plan9-9fans&a=2006-11&t=2651643 Testing manually in a terminal I get the following: % test -f /dev/sdC1/plan9 # works, I think % test -f /dev/sd*/plan9* test: unexpected operator/operand: /dev/sdC1/plan9 Hope this helps, Matt