Hello everyone,

I'd like to ask whether anyone encountered problems when one turns off
the hardware acceleration with
cat hwaccel off > /dev/vgactl

When I do it, my mouse leaves some garbage at some points, or, e.g. I
can't nicely select text with the mouse---there are some pieces

I found similar problems first in Inferno on plan9 (with hwaccel on in
underlying plan9). When I run it (wm/wm) and e.g. try to close some
window, a small rectangle is sometimes left over after mouse.

When I turn the acceleration off in plan9, I see such problems even in
plan9 itself.

Has anyone any comments on this?
(I'd like to try inferno, but this is annoying.)

I play with HP Omnibook XE3 (some people wanted to chuck it out),I
believe there is an Intel 830M integrated graphic card.
cat /dev/vgactl says I use vesa.


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