On Sep 4, 2009, at 9:58 AM, Iruata Souza wrote:
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Roman Shaposhnik<r...@sun.com> wrote:
There's been a *lot* of speculation on this thread and very little fact.
Trust me, I've seen how it is generated.

so we should trust you and not the facts? is that what you are saying?
because i haven't seen any 'factual' code yet.

I don't understand the question. When I say "trust me" I was commenting
on one *particular* aspect of implementation that I *happen* to have seen.
I think it is fair to speak from experience where experience exists.

I don't have answers to most of the intelligent questions asked by Bakul,
for example and that's why I keep my mouth shut on those portions
of the thread up until I can lay my hands on Snow Leopard.

Finally, if you are interested in this topic go grab http://clang.llvm.org/ and play with it. It'll give you 90% of the answers. The rest is in Apple's implementation.
My understanding is that it is slightly different from the OS one.


P.S. Or do you want *my* help with the code?

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