I'll use this thread to post further questions about cwfs. I recently had a problem accessing a directory in a drive managed by cwfs - whenever I tried to access the dir, I got the error: ...: phase error -- cannot happen
so I went over to the cwfs console and played around with `clean': fs: clean /path/to/trouble dblock[0] = 286843 dblock[1] = 0 ... iblocks[6] = 0 ... fs: clean /path/to/trouble 286843 ... (see above) fs: clean /path/to/trouble 0 dblock[0] = 286843 dblock[0] modified 0 dblock[1] = 0 ... fs: clean /path/to/trouble dblock[0] = 0 ... at this point, "uh oh," I thought. I could access the directory, but of course all files inside were no longer accessible - just me playing around a bit. There used to be a 1G file in there; I hope I can still access it through the worm dump. I subsequently performed an `rm /path/to/trouble'. Anyways, a `check rdall' reveals nmiss = 189296 is this something I should be worried about? Is the rest of that data inside the directory I performed a clean 0 on, still dangling somewhere in the FS, that it should be wiped out? The `check' shows nbad = 0 nqbad = 0 but the large number of nmiss still holds my attention. Best, ak