why not use /mail/lib/names.local for the first example?

good point, upon my brief look the answer would be, although I can contrive upon boot to use a different file, in the general case, users can't edit it.

i haven't read the script, though.

; ls -l  /n/sources/contrib/maht/rc/pipefrom
--rwx--x--x M 675 maht sys 1107 Aug 20 20:50 /n/sources/contrib/maht/rc/pipefrom
I fixed that, oops thanks

one thing i've thought would be useful since people mail from
many places with many names is a translation from a set of from
addresses to a mailbox name so that, e.g. the ned f command doesn't
end up creating a bunch of folders for the same person.
I'll consider that when I get round to pipeto

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