On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Charles Forsyth<fors...@terzarima.net> wrote:
> i use html, then any browser will do, even ie6 for most things.
> i use an rc script and awk to take an outline format such as
>        - burble
>                - more burble
>                - even more burble
> with some other conventions to allow embedded code fragments.
> it's obviously easy to link to other things to allow diversions
> and connect to expanded information on the rare instances that
> anyone is awake enough to ask about them. the same script can generate
> a summary of the slides in troff as handouts.
> since there are drawbacks to the powerpoint approach, even without cruft

More people need to read Edward Tufte. Slideshows generally just
detract from what you're doing. Use a projector for things like
images, tables, etc.

> like clip art and transitions, i often simply
> write ordinary troff (-ms or -mpm), and then i can
> use pic, grap, eqn, tbl as needed.

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