On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 6:01 PM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> So, I guess that means venti+fossil+cpu on one headless machine in
>> some forgotten corner of the datacentre.
> regardless of one's terminal accomidations, i still think it makes
> a lot of sense to have a stand-alone fileserver.  it really does stink
> if your fs goes down for no reason at all.  this is especially true if
> you're doing a lot of experimenting or don't have a proper terminal.
> in fact, i think it makes sense to devote two machines to one's
> fileserver.  one diskless fileserver and an coraid storage appliance. :-)
> shameless, aren't i?
> - erik

This is what we do at Sandia. We have one machine which serves
cpu/auth/file, but the actual Venti disks are in a Coraid connected
via GigE. The fossil disk is in the server, but if it dies we can just
build a new one.

"Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing" -- Rob Pike

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