On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:56 PM, roger peppe <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> the time problem i was having before (fast clock) had seemed to be
> irreproducible. however just now, i noticed the following
> odd behaviour:
> fiddle% date -u
> Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 GMT 1970
> fiddle% cat /dev/time
>          0                     0                     0
>     1 fiddle%
> fiddle% # wait a few seconds
> fiddle% cat /dev/time
>          0                     0                     0
>     1 fiddle%
> the clock is completely stopped!
> (although sleep doesn't sleep forever - sleep 10 sleeps
> for about 3.43 seconds, so *something* has a concept of time)
> most odd.

Yeah.. :-(  Odd and crappy.  I can't figure out why this would happen.

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