I also have a dict script but this one uses tcp!dict.org!2628

; 9fs sources
; /n/sources/contrib/fgb/rc/fdict -l
Usage: fdict [-lm] [-d database] word
; ; /n/sources/contrib/fgb/rc/fdict -l
connected to tcp!dict.org!2628 on /net/tcp/25
gcide "The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48"
wn "WordNet (r) 2.0"
moby-thes "Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0"
elements "Elements database 20001107"
vera "Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (Version 1.9, June 2002)"
jargon "Jargon File (4.3.1, 29 Jun 2001)"
foldoc "The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03)"
easton "Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary"
hitchcock "Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)"
bouvier "Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)"
devils "THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993)"
world02 "CIA World Factbook 2002"
gazetteer "U.S. Gazetteer (1990)"
gaz-county "U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)"
gaz-place "U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)"
gaz-zip "U.S. Gazetteer Zip Code Tabulation Areas (2000)"
--exit-- "Stop default search here."
afr-deu "Africaan-German Freedict dictionary"
afr-eng "Africaan-English Freedict Dictionary"
ara-eng "English-Arabic Freedict Dictionary"
cro-eng "Croatian-English Freedict Dictionary"
cze-eng "Czech-English Freedict dictionary"
dan-eng "Danish-English Freedict dictionary"
deu-eng "German-English Freedict dictionary"
deu-fra "German-French Freedict dictionary"
deu-ita "German-Italian Freedict dictionary"
deu-nld "German-Nederland Freedict dictionary"
deu-por "German-Portugese Freedict dictionary"
eng-afr "English-Africaan Freedict Dictionary"
eng-ara "English-Arabic FreeDict Dictionary"
eng-cro "English-Croatian Freedict Dictionary"
eng-cze "English-Czech fdicts/FreeDict Dictionary"
eng-deu "English-German Freedict dictionary"
eng-fra "English-French Freedict Dictionary"
eng-hin "English-Hindi Freedict Dictionary"
eng-hun "English-Hungarian Freedict Dictionary"
eng-iri "English-Irish Freedict dictionary"
eng-ita "English-Italian Freedict dictionary"
eng-lat "English-Latin Freedict dictionary"
eng-nld "English-Netherlands Freedict dictionary"
eng-por "English-Portugese Freedict dictionary"
eng-rom "English-Romanian FreeDict dictionary"
eng-rus "English-Russian Freedict dictionary"
eng-spa "English-Spanish Freedict dictionary"
eng-swa "English-Swahili xFried/FreeDict Dictionary"
eng-swe "English-Swedish Freedict dictionary"
eng-tur "English-Turkish FreeDict Dictionary"
eng-wel "English-Welsh Freedict dictionary"
fra-deu "French-German Freedict dictionary"
fra-eng "French-English Freedict dictionary"
fra-nld "French-Nederlands Freedict dictionary"
hin-eng "English-Hindi Freedict Dictionary [reverse index]"
hun-eng "Hungarian-English FreeDict Dictionary"
iri-eng "Irish-English Freedict dictionary"
ita-deu "Italian-German Freedict dictionary"
jpn-deu "Japanese-German Freedict dictionary"
kha-deu "Khasi-German FreeDict Dictionary"
lat-deu "Latin-German Freedict dictionary"
lat-eng "Latin-English Freedict dictionary"
nld-deu "Nederlands-German Freedict dictionary"
nld-eng "Nederlands-English Freedict dictionary"
nld-fra "Nederlands-French Freedict dictionary"
por-deu "Portugese-German Freedict dictionary"
por-eng "Portugese-English Freedict dictionary"
sco-deu "Scottish-German Freedict dictionary"
scr-eng "Serbo-Croat-English Freedict dictionary"
slo-eng "Slovenian-English Freedict dictionary"
spa-eng "Spanish-English Freedict dictionary"
swa-eng "Swahili-English xFried/FreeDict Dictionary"
swe-eng "Swedish-English Freedict dictionary"
tur-deu "Turkish-German Freedict dictionary"
tur-eng "Turkish-English Freedict dictionary"
english "English Monolingual Dictionaries"
trans "Translating Dictionaries"
all "All Dictionaries (English-Only and Translating)"
web1913 "Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)"
world95 "The CIA World Factbook (1995)"

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Fernan Bolando<fernanbola...@mailc.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 8:08 AM, andrey
> mirtchovski<mirtchov...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> like most things, it's been done by some9fan somewhere somewhen.
>> here's a simple transliterating eng-bg:bg-eng dictionary that queries
>> a remote site:
>> http://mirtchovski.com/p9/sadict/sadict
>> i don't think it was ever submitted to slashdot because it's just so
>> simple. on the other hand i'm contemplating submitting this XML data
>> file that consistently makes my machine unresponsive and takes a few
>> hours to process. now that's serious computer science right there!
> I once tried to create a simple script to use dict if the word is in
> there if not it will pick it up from dictionary.com and add them to
> dicts' database, but I lost interest right after starting it.
> --
> http://www.fernski.com

Federico G. Benavento

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