On Jul 19, 2009, at 22:29, Corey <co...@bitworthy.net> wrote:

On Sunday 19 July 2009 19:12:50 Skip Tavakkolian wrote:
The few minutes spent learning ed(1) will be well repaid. You'll be
one of the smartest guys on your block.

i second that. learning it has been one of the best investments of my
time since 1982.


I would say the same thing about vi, which I practically live in, and feel
hamstrung without.

At anyrate, I do intend on sitting down and becoming at least comfortable
with sam's ed.

Though I'm guessing that I'll be installing Stefan's vim port asap - I'm
_extremely_ happy that this exists.

It's sad to see people recommending acme instead of helping a bit with Sam. You should try both, and use what fits you. I like Sam because it is just an editor. Acme is more of a platform for making tools interact, and to me ends up feeling like a swiss army chainsaw. I've left vi behind because I learned Sam, and maybe you'll like it enough to switch, too.

Until you get proficient in Sam, using the right-button menu will give you the file-related commands you need, and / and s in the command window will do until you learn the more powerful Sam commands and idioms.

To get more proficient, I highly recommend Rob's paper 'A Tutorial For The Sam Command Language' and the Sam reference card, which show you the idioms for using Sam more effectively and give you a glimpse of it's power. It helps if you read them more than once.

Good luck, I hope you find Sam or Acme to your liking :)



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