to be precise, this is not 950 graphics:

0.2.0:  vid  03.00.00 8086/2772  10 0:fe980000 524288 1:0000cc01 16 2:e0000008 
268435456 3:fe940000 262144
        Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Device

the intel atom machine i've been working with keeps
doing things i'm very happy with!  i got a chance to check
out the vesa graphics and they seem to be very well.
1600x1200x16 works just fine.  the vga timings are perfect.
and even pictures don't look too bad.  since i'm using pat
rather than mtrr, adding the newly-added vesa->flush()
fixed the slight niggle i was having with a jumpy pointer.

now if i could just get someone to build the same thing with
intel 82574 nics....

- erik

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