> Hi,
> when I've got secstored running on the cpu/auth, drawterm asks me for my 
> secstore password and then factotum does as well.
> Am I missing something that reduces it to once ?

i've changed my lib/profile for the cpu case to look like this.
it may be on the very first drawterm i fire up, i get asked twice.
(i don't want to tear things down to check.)  but i reverified
that i get one prompt for the secstore password here:

case cpu
        if(test -e /mnt/term/env/wsys)
        if(test -e /mnt/term/mnt/wsys){
                # rio already running
                wsys = /mnt/term^`{cat /mnt/term/env/wsys}
                bind -a /mnt/term/mnt/wsys /dev
                if(test -f /mnt/term/dev/label)
                        echo -n $sysname > /mnt/term/dev/label
        bind /mnt/term/dev/cons /dev/cons
        bind /mnt/term/dev/consctl /dev/consctl
        bind -a /mnt/term/dev /dev
        prompt=('; ' '')
        if(! test -e /mnt/term/mnt/wsys){
                # cpu call from drawterm
                x=`{wc -l /mnt/term/mnt/factotum/ctl>[2=] || echo 0}
                if(test $x(1) -gt 1)
                        bind /mnt/term/mnt/factotum /mnt/factotum
                if not
                termish terminal drawterm

by the way, it's interesting to think of what would need
changing to make secstore a normal 9p server.

- erik

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