On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:01 AM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> there are other sound models, it would be nice to design ac97's
> interface in such a way that it can work with other sound models.

Years ago, I suggested building a generic audio layer into the kernel
and plugging specific devices into that, much like how the Ethernet
device drivers are structured.  At the time, it wasn't seen as
worthwhile as there was essentially no code sharing between the
various drivers for audio devices (SB16, ESS-whatever, the bitsy).
However, I still think this is worthwhile just to provide (a) a
standard interface for audio devices (e.g., /dev/audioctl always
accepts the same messages to set volume, input levels, etc), and (b)
to have a single kernel support more than one type of audio device
(imagine a network where you actually have an SB16 plus a bunch of
AC97 devices and some of these HCI things that Devon mentioned-one 9pc
should be able to support them all).

        - Dan C.

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