On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:06 AM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> I didn't seem to see any improvement after applying the mtrr patch...
>> did you make any changes to the vganvidia file before compiling? I
>> haven't looked at the 'pat' thing, I'll have to check that out.
> for the pat business, i did:
> /n/sources/plan9//sys/src/9/pc/vganvidia.c:371,377 - vganvidia.c:371,377
>                if(scr->storage <= scr->apsize)
>                        nv.dmabase = (ulong*)((uchar*)scr->vaddr + 
> scr->storage - 128*1024);
>                else{
> -                       nv.dmabase = (void*)vmap(scr->paddr + scr->storage - 
> 128*1024, 128*1024);
> +                       nv.dmabase = (void*)vmappat(scr->paddr + scr->storage 
> - 128*1024, 128*1024, PATWT);
>                        if(nv.dmabase == 0){
>                                hwaccel = 0;
>                                hwblank = 0;
> a quick explainer.  the pat patch just keeps a look-aside
> table of memory of special types.  any time the mmu
> code is asked to map that memory, it is mapped with
> the special type given.  this means that if you wanted
> to, for example (the current interface is better than
> this unless you want a user-space driver), map pci space
> in a segment accessable from user space, you could do
> this and you would get the proper NC memory type.
> it's fun when the explination's longer than the code.
> - erik

I believe I properly applied the pat patch, but I'm not really seeing
any improvement. At least, it still takes fully two seconds to bring
one large window in front of another.

Did you change anything with the nvidia driver when applying the mtrr
patch? I was under the impression that the applied patch only affected
the vesa driver.

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