I just tried to load plan 9 on a machine that it used to run on, but now,
for some reason, can not find it's CD drive.
It's an old AMD Athlon, circa 2000 if I recall correctly, and when booting
from the plan 9 CD, it does not find the CD drive.

I thought at first I might try to figure out exactly why, but then realized
it's probably time for a new plan 9 computer.

I've got an intel iMac in another room that I want to see just how far I can
get on it before it doesn't boot :-).

But I also wanted to get a recommendation for a small inexpensive x86 PC
that could run it.

I usually like to get motherboards and parts and assembly myself, but I'd go
for even a lenovo or (god forbid) dell if the deal was good.

Any recommendations?

I'm very excited about the linuxemu, new USB support, and other work that's
gone on in the last few years, and I hope to get some serious time to do
something useful this time around.


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