> Apologies, the up-to-date linuxemu is in cinap's contrib:
> /n/sources/contrib/cinap_lenrek/linuxemu3/
> and
> /n/sources/contrib/cinap_lenrek/linuxemu3.tgz

Having just set up Linuxemu, a quick note:
The distributed root filesystem is rather old; it uses
the sarge distribution of debian. It's old enough, in fact,
that you'll need to change /etc/apt/sources.list if you
want to download any software; archive.debian.org still
serves sarge, so my file looks like:

deb http://archive.debian.org/debian sarge main

I exchanged some emails with cinap yesterday; it seems
that the reason he still uses sarge for linuxemu is that
newer versions are incompatible with linuxemu as it stands,
and sarge runs effectively enough.


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