On 07/08/2009 02:21 PM, tlaro...@polynum.com wrote: > On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 10:48:58AM +0300, Aharon Robbins wrote: >> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html >> >> 'nuff said. :-) > > Is it my english that is not sufficient ? [Note: it is written "Google > Chrome" while I think it should be "Google Chrome OS"] > > "The software architecture is simple - Google Chrome running within a > new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel." > > If I read correctly, this is not Plan9 based. And it seems a > "terminal" will be available as open source, while the apps and > the data will be in a cloud... that is not controlled by the user. > (I have nothing against closed source---I make it too---. But the > terminal is definitively not the bulk of a cloud. Everybody being > allowed to build and sell terminals, ok. But terminals to access > what belonging to who?) > > The majority of the current thinking is re-discovery of Plan 9 > architecture: separate terminal, CPU and fileserver. And Plan9 was > thought with SMP from the beginning. So why all is always "Linux > based" ? And no, I have no problem accessing my data wherever I go, > because it is _my_ data.
I think, Google did not choose Plan 9 due lack of device drivers, poor IPv6 support and confusing redundant fragment of code lurking around in /sys/boot or 9load, but a compared with Linux a compact, clean and much more efficient FreeBSD could definitely have been a better choice. -- Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709 Anu'z li...@home (Unix Shoppe) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192 Chandigarh, UT, 160062, India Plan9, T2, Arch/Debian/FreeBSD/XP Home: http://werc.homelinux.net/ Visit: http://counter.li.org/