> i've never known any shell on any os to require quoting
> of file names consisting of [a-z]+.  though i'm sure this illustrates
> my ignorance of esoteric and difficult oses.

No, the leading "/" is recommended, or the full path, my choice of
adjective was unfortunate.  And I forgot you may have been using "rc",
I never really got the knack of using "rc" without RIO support, at
least not in the last ten years.  I used to use Byron's "rc" together
with "-" and "--", but that was a long, long time ago, before I got
hooked on Plan 9.


PS: I have successfully listed the "root" on "sources".  Thanks again,
Erik.  I shan't have a need to pester EVH, although from him I'd like
to know the host from which the new v9fs can be "git"ted.  And for
anyone who cares, I still haven't broken P9P on the MIPS platform and
now v9fs works too (give or take authentication, it seems).

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