On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 10:01 PM, J.R. Mauro<jrm8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> generally useful besides a gmap helper, I suppose. I'm trying to see
> if I can get something like google maps directions based on geoloc
> since the yahoo site it uses seems to not fail if you give it a very
> vague address, unlike most other services I've tried. I suppose I
> could try to see if I can get a barebones access to google maps
> directions. Like an XML page or something. If anyone knows how, I'd
> appreciate some pointers.

Here's a hack on top of my hack. The real suckage comes from me making
geoloc separate lat and lon with '?' to appease gmap. It's a small
change if you don't like it. I really want subway directions, but
apparently Yahoo can't do that. I'll keep digging.

# directions -- print directions from a coordinate pair to another.

if (! ~ $#* 2) {
        echo Usage: directions lat1?lon1 lat2?lon2

SLA = `{echo $1 | sed -e 's/\?.*//'}
SLO = `{echo $1 | sed -e 's/.*\?//'}
DLA = `{echo $2 | sed -e 's/\?.*//'}
DLO = `{echo $2 | sed -e 's/.*\?//'}

#echo I got: $SLA $SLO $DLA $DLO

| htmlfmt

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