On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 1:15 AM, erik quanstrom<quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> sorry to hear things aren't working.
>> % 9fs sources
>> % cd /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/root/sys/src/9/pc
>> % cp sdata.c sdiahci.c ahci.h /sys/src/9/pc
>> % cd ../port
>> % cp devsd.c sd.h sdloop.c /sys/src/9/port
>> % cd ../../libfis
>> % mkdir /sys/src/libfis
>> % cp fis.h mkfile /sys/src/libfis
>> % cd /sys/src/libfs
>> % mk install
> steve is correct.  using contrib is the easy way to do this,
> but the full list of files is in /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/replica/sd/,
> if you don't want to use the contrib stuff.  pc/sdscsi.c
> jumps out as missing.

Sorry, the commands in the message were typed from memory.  I had
correctly copied in pc/sdscsi.c (and /sys/include/fis.h).  Btw: these
drivers seem much more complete and robust than those in the
distribution; why haven't they been integrated into /sys/src and made
the default?  Not a complaint, just a question.

The contrib tool sounds neat; I'd never heard of it before.

>> Now the problem that I am seeing is that, if I boot the machine up
>> with both cores enabled, I get some relatively small amount of use out
>> of the SATA drives, then I get a (seemingly) random i/o error and then
>> all further access to the drives fails.  I am still booting from the
>> CF disk, but using the fossil on the SATA drives as the root.  I was
> (i assuming that you are not running in combined mode and you have
> configured the sata ports in ahci mode.)

Yes, that's correct.

> could you send me the errors you are seeing?  it may be helpful to
> turn on debugging.  i'd suggest recompiling the kernel with debug=1
> in sdiahci.c.  i'd be interested in the output (including all the boot-time
> noise) if you could send it off list.  i am running the same intel 3000
> mukilteo-2 chipset in a few machines but don't see any trouble.  i am
> running all of them with mp interrupts enabled.

I'll see if I can't capture them; they seem to have largely
disappeared and now I'm wondering if I had accidentally enabled VESA
and MP together and somehow gotten the system into such an odd state
that it told the disks to do something weird that corrupted venti.

Things seem to be working okay, except for some leaked blocks (which
may have been due to an unclean shutdown), so perhaps it was a fluke.
Regardless, I'll see about getting you those boot messages.

        - Dan C.

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