On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 7:56 PM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
> On Wed Jun  3 19:41:39 EDT 2009, n...@lsub.org wrote:
>> I have a ssam script that does the work. But  it's not really streaming.
>> El 04/06/2009, a las 1:36, jrm8...@gmail.com escribió:
>> > Speaking of regexes in Plan 9, did the "structural awk" or "stream
>> > sam" Rob dreamed of in the SE paper ever get realized?
>> >
>> > [/mail/box/nemo/msgs/200906/41493]
> here's a pointer to the previous discussion of ssam, which
> does exist for unix:
> http://9fans.net/archive/2003/10/309

Unfortunately, I can't get it to build. It looks long un(der)maintained.

> "structural awk" is still a tempting idea.  but why not
> just go wild and implement a shell with sres?

One step at a time. Although if I woke up tomorrow and everything from
sed to lex and yacc and rc magically had sres, I would be very /very/

You can kind of get something not entirely unlike sres in sed, but it
is quite hard and unintuitive.

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