
You're reply and some reflection convinced me that my first
approach is just wrong. I don't understand the next-to-last
paragraph though. I tried creating gktbl and making the change
you suggest to text.c, and it seems to work. Why does
isalpharune() need changing?


> i'm pretty sure that's wrong for reswords like "≥" or "and".
> a font change would also change the appearance of existing
> documents.  my change also changes the appearance of
> existing documents, but only those that use the relatively-
> new unicode input.
> on the other hand, for Γ to be treated the same as G,
> one would need a new table gktbl() that would be added
> here
> /sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c:85,91
>       else if ((tp = lookup(restbl, p1)) != NULL) {
>               p = tp->cval;
>       } else {
> +             if (tp = lookup(gktbl, p1)) != NULL)
> +                     p = p1 = tp->cval
>               lf = rf = 0;
>               lastft = 0;
>               nclass = NONE;  /* get started with no class == no pad */
>               csp = cs;
> one would also need to modifiy isalpharune to return
> true for greek letters.  or just use the system isalpharune.
> i'm sure one could find a number of other bugs.
> the reason i didn't suggest this is because it changes old
> documents.  perhaps we should just take our lumps and
> fix the problem.
> - erik

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