On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 4:38 PM, <j...@0xabadba.be> wrote:

> Mr Leimbach,
> ===8<===
>> How would one know one wasn't getting old data?  I've not really looked
>> into replica much though honestly to know how it works, I've just followed
>> the wiki about "staying up to date".  Perhaps the wiki could be mirrored as
>> well, and we could get a distributed update script?
>> Perhaps this is an area of improvement for Plan 9 in general.
>> ===8<===
>      You can find the wiki here :
> http://9.9souldier.org/wiki.plan9/plan_9_wiki/
>      Sources can be found here : sources.lsub.org -- though i'm not sure
> how up to date they are -- they seem very reliable
> respectfully,

Yeah I guess I was not very clear.  How does one find the most up to date
mirror :-).  How do we know which one is closest to the authoritative
source, or should we care?


> james francis toy (nil)

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