The reality is that the sources outages rarely cause any _real_
problems. I wasn't able to access it few days ago, and instead of
bothering geoff or jim, I just waited few hours. The server came up
and I got what I needed.


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Uriel <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:31 PM, ron minnich <> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Rudolf Sykora <> 
>> wrote:
>>> In order I be of any help I need to know why the hell this happens,
>>> first. I know next to nothing about how the whole system of sources
>>> works, still I can help if I know how. But I do not remember anybody
>>> saying: 'hey guys, we have this and this problem that causes the
>>> sources are down every now and then.' Yet we see it happening.
>> OK, so let's try again. How about this:
>> instead of blasting a note to the known universe, 99.999% of which
>> can't do anything about the situation, one could do the following:
>> send a polite, discreet note to the people who actually run sources,
>> something like this:
>> "I would like to offer to help with making sources easily and readily
>> available to the net. I've noticed that, at times, sources is not
>> accessible. Is there some way in which I can help, by, e.g.,  running
>> a replicated server?"
>> Does this latter approach work? Yes, I have seen it work. It's why we
>> have an improving USB stack.
> What improving USB stack? Ah, so doing everything in secret is the way
> to go? I wonder why don't we just shut down 9fans, open discussion and
> collaboration is certainly not something anyone wants here anyway.
>> Does the former approach fail? Yes. It has driven some important
>> people from this list. Antisocial behavior has negative consequences.
> The only antisocial behavior here (besides mine, obviously) was your
> condescending and insulting answer to somebody that just asked an
> honest question, and the insinuation that he wasn't ready to help,
> when you just admitted "99.999%" of the people can't do anything about
> the situation, in great part because people that want to help are made
> to feel they are unwelcome by comments like yours.
>> Whining to the list is just, well,  ... whining to the list. It ends
>> up looking like an attempt to coerce people by shaming them in a
>> public situation. It's what my kids used to do when they could not get
>> their favorite dessert in the store. It doesn't make anyone feel any
>> better. It's why so many people have Uriel in their kill files.
> It makes people aware of a problem that many keep denying and
> demeaning. If people can't deal with reality, there are always kill
> files, as you point out.
> uriel

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